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Q: How did enlightenment thinkers inspire revolutionaries to push for radical changes in government and society?
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How did enlightenment thinkers inspire revolutionaries to push for radical changes in the govermnent?

The Enlightenment thinkers inspired revolutionaries to push for radical changes in government and society by making it known to the people that the proper type of government was one that protect the liberties of the people, or as stated by John Locke: life, liberty and property, and do not exert absolute power.

How were Prussia Austria and Russia affect by enlightenment thinkers?

As a result of enlightenment thinkers, changes in the government of Prussia Austria and Russia were more readily accepted. The public had learned to deal with changes better.

How did Enlightment thinkers inspire revolutionaries to push for radical changes?

Enlightenment thinkers like Rousseau and Voltaire promoted ideas of individual rights, social equality, and government by consent of the governed. These ideas inspired revolutionaries to question traditional authority and push for radical changes in government towards more democratic and equitable systems. The Enlightenment emphasis on reason, freedom, and human dignity provided intellectual and moral support for revolutionary movements seeking to overthrow oppressive regimes.

Which was the most important concept of the enlightenment-?

Enlightenment broadly means wisdom or understanding enabling clarity of perception. Scientists, literary men, and thinkers believed in the supremacy of reason. They demanded practical changes against injustice and so that people were considered as equal. They often attacked the government, the church, and the judicial systems of their country.

When enlightenment thinkers questioned traditional ideas what the result?

When Enlightenment thinkers questioned traditional ideas, what was the result?Answer: They began to use reason and knowledge to explain beliefs.

What institution sis the enlightenment and its thinkers posea theat to?

The Enlightenment and its thinkers posed a threat to traditional institutions such as the monarchy, the Catholic Church, and established aristocratic privilege. Their ideas of individual rights, secular governance, and reason challenged the authority and power of these institutions, leading to significant social and political changes during the 18th century.

What changes did radical revolutionaries make when they took over the French government?

It ended the monarchy, made France a republic and wrote another new constitution.

What is the connections between the ideas of the enlightenment and the changes in the relationship between citizens and their government?

The Enlightenment emphasized ideas such as individual rights, freedom, and the social contract between citizens and government. These principles influenced changes in the relationship between citizens and their government by promoting the idea of citizen participation in government decision-making, the separation of powers, and the limitation of governmental authority through constitutional means. The Enlightenment also inspired movements for democracy and human rights, leading to the overthrow of absolute monarchies in favor of more representative forms of government.

The enlightenment was a period in history when?

The Enlightenment was a period in history during the 18th century characterized by intellectual and cultural changes emphasizing reason, science, and individual rights. Thinkers during this time challenged traditional authority and promoted ideals like freedom, democracy, and the separation of church and state.

What changes did the enlightenment change in the political systems?

The Enlightenment era led to significant changes in political systems by promoting ideas such as individual rights, separation of powers, and the need for representative government. These ideas influenced the development of democratic principles and constitutional government, leading to the spread of democratic ideals and the weakening of absolute monarchies. The Enlightenment also emphasized the importance of reason and rationality in governance, challenging traditional authority and promoting the idea of government by consent of the governed.

How does the enlightenment affect us today?

Enlightenment means belief in the power of human reason and by innovation in politics, religion, and education. Today, the effects of the Enlightenment can be seen in the changes that are proposed and the changes that occur in these areas.

How did enlightenment despots contribute to the enlightenment?

The Enlightened Despots used their power to bring about some political changes as well as social.