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Q: How did emperor Augustus promote payriotism during the gadenage accient rome?
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Who was the next emporer after Augustus died?

Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.

What succeeded Augustus as emperor?

Augustus was succeeded by Tiberius.

What emperor followed Augustus?

Tiberius was the emperor who followed Augustus.

Who ssucceeded Augustus as emperor?

Tiberius succeeded Augustus as emperor.

Augustus was emperor of what country?

Augustus was emperor of the Roman Empire.

Who was emperor when Caesar augustus died?

Tiberius became emperor when Augustus died.

Who was the Roman Emperor at the time of christ birth?

Augustus was the emperor at the time of Christ's incarnation.

Who was romes first emperor that ruled from 27 BC to AD 14?

In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.In 27 BC, the emperor was Octavian/Augustus. He is considered the first emperor.

When did Augustus Caesar become the emperor of rome?

Augustus became emperor in 27 BC.

What emperor did Augustus Caesar succeed?

Augustus Caesar was the first Roman emperor. He did not succeed anyone.

Was Augustus Caesar the first Roman Emperor?

Augustus Caesar was the first "official" Roman emperor.

Who was the emperoe after Augustus?

The emperor who followed Augustus was Tiberius.