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they live bad

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Q: How did early hunters and gatherers lived during the paleolithic age?
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How do you use paleolithic era in a sentence?

During the Paleolithic era, early humans relied on hunting and gathering for their survival.

Were early people hunters and gatherers?


When did hunter-gatherers first settle in Mesopotamia?

Hunter-gatherers first settled in Mesopotamia around 10,000 BCE during the transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic era. This settlement marked the beginning of a shift towards agriculture and the development of early civilizations in the region.

What did the men and women of the Cro-Magnon do?

The men and women of Cro-Magnon were early modern humans who lived during the Upper Paleolithic period. They were skilled hunters, gatherers, and toolmakers, creating intricate tools and weapons to survive. They also created cave art, demonstrating early forms of artistic expression.

How did the early people in the Americas get their food?

They were hunter-gatherers and farmers.

What was the average age for early hunters and gatherers?

Early hunters and gatherers were typically in their late 20s to early 30s, but life expectancy was lower due to high infant mortality rates and dangers in their environment.

How did the early hunters and gatherers use these plants and animals?

by eating them

Early hunters and gatherers in north america may have been responsible for?

Early hunters and gathers in north America may have been responsible for

What were two cultural contributions of Paleolithic era?

In the paleolithic era, early homo sapiens sapiens lived in groups and were hunter gatherers, often nomadic, and both genders had an equal importance.

What is another name for the old stone age?

The old stone age is also known as the Paleolithic era. During this time, early humans used simple stone tools and lived as hunter-gatherers.

What did hunters cultivate?

In general, early hunters did not cultivate anything. Hunter/gatherers harvested animals and plants that were growing naturally.

What achievements did early humans make during the Paleolithic and neolithic ages?

During the Paleolithic Age, early humans developed tools and mastered fire, which helped them hunt and protect themselves. In the Neolithic Age, they transitioned from being hunter-gatherers to settled agriculturalists, leading to the development of farming, domestication of animals, and establishment of permanent settlements.