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it changed the world cause it led to the creation of the atomic bomb

no it didn't, its nothing but a simple units conversion equation like

feet = miles * 5280

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Q: How did e equals mc2 change the world?
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What was world's reaction towards e equals mc2 formula?

They thought he was crazy.

What is mc2 in E equals mc2?

E (Energy) equals M (Mass) times C2 (speed of light square)

Is E equals MC2 a force?

No. E=mc2 is a formula. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared.

What does e stand for in e equals mc2?


What is the sum to e equals mc2?

There is no sum of e=mc2, it is an equation concerning matter and energy. e=mc2 stands for: Energy equals mass times the velocity of light squared. E = M C 2

A symbol representing a value that does not change?

A constant like "c" equals the speed of light in E=mc2

Who discovered E equals mc2?

The concept of E=MC2 was discovered by Henri Poincare.

Was there any problems with e equals mc2?


Is E equals mc2 real?

yes it is.

M in E equals mc2?


What is the exact opposite of E equals mC2 What would the -C stand for in real world terms?

The oppositeÊof E=mC2 would be m or mass equals energy divided by the speed of light squared.Ê The C in E=mC2Êin real world terms would be the speed of light.