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The government determined prices, wages, and products.

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Q: How did collectives in the soviet union avoid the compitition that drives a free market?
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How did collectives in the Soviet union avoid the competition that drives free market economy?

By not

How did the collectives in the soviet union avoid the competition that drives a free market?

The government determined prices, wages, and products.

Who decides what the farmers would produce on Soviet collectives?

the government

What factors contributed to environmental improvements in Eastern Europe during the 1990s?

Collectives disbanded, foreign investors, industries closed, nations joined the EU, and the fall of the Soviet Union.

Why do Collectives in the Soviet Union were inefficient producers of agricultural products?

The soviet government paid farmers and told them what to produce; thus providing very little incentive.

How did collective in the Soviet Union avoid the competition that drives a free marketer economy?

Collectives in the Soviet Union avoided competition that drives a free marked economy in multiple ways. Production was centrally planned, and compensation was not related to production. Firms and individuals were given quotas which were to be met and were allocated endowments to meet those quotas. People could not set the price of goods because there was no price, and there was no competition between firms because quotas were handed down by the state, not by demand.

What is Russia's moto?

In soviet russia, car drives you

What measures did the Soviet Union take to reduce its food shortages?

assassinated Archduke Ferdinand built Chernobyl constructed the Aswan High Dam created Ukrainian collectives it is one of these

When Following the breakup of the Soviet Union the former Soviet republics began shifting to economies.?

Free Market

Why did Soviet collectives offer little incentive to farmer?

The soviet government paid farmers and told them what to produce; thus providing very little incentive.

What was the result of the soviet rule over eastern Europe?

an "iron curtain" that kept them safe from new invaders. it caused the cold war because many nations overrearcted

Collectives in the Soviet Union were inefficient producers of agricultural products why?

There are several possible reasons for inefficiencies in a soviet collective. The one Americans were told most likely to be true is the lack of worker motivation to excel. Farm workers had no incentive to work hard and to do better than others. All workers were treated equally with little expectation of reward or recognition. Other possibilities include incompetent or corrupt management of the collectives.