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the lived very porrly the women didnt really have any rights the men had every right in Greece except slaves


Men if they were not training in military, or discussing politics went to the Theatre for entertainment. To watch dramas that they could relate to, including tragedies and comedies. These often involved current politics and gods in some form. It is thought that women were not allowed to watch theatre or perform at the theatre, although male actors did play women roles.

Lives of Women in Ancient Greece were closely tied to domestic work, spinning, weaving and other domestic duties. They were not involved in public life or in politics. The live were normally quite confined to the house although one public duty was acting as a priestess at a temple.

Children in ancient Greece usually occupied their time playing with toys and games.

Almost all Greeks in ancient Greece held a shared belief in the same, extremely fascinating, religion.

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11y ago

Well it depends what city they where in if a child was born in Sparta they would have to go to military school for 6 years and not get much education and where only thought that if you steal and beat other children it was good and if you stole it was considered a fine thing to do but if you got fought stealing you would be beaten and every main in Sparta would be a worrior. Other city states had education that would teach children to read, write and study science but most city states after you had finished learning you would have to go to milatert school for at least a year. So to some it up depends on what city state you where in.

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7y ago

At the peak of its empire, it extracted great contributions from the other cities and lifted living standards, putting half its people on the public payroll. For women, they were kept isolated at home in virtual purdah, for slaves it was very different with no rights or protection,

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6y ago

Working hard on their farm, religious observance, military training, political activity. The women tended children, worked in the home and the farm, attended occasional women's festivals.

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Q: How did citizens foreigners and enslaved people lived in Athens in the 400 bc?
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How did many citizens foreigners and enslaved people lived in Athens in the 400 bc?

43,000 citizens, 100,000 enslaved people, and 35,000 foreigners

Which people in Athens were not allowed to become citizens?

Slaves, foreigners, women

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Well if your talking about Athens the Capital of Ancient Greece - Women, criminals and slaves couldn't vote but in Sparta Women could.

How many people are enslaved that lived in Athens in 400 BC?

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Ancient Athens was home to a variety of people, including citizens who enjoyed political rights, resident foreigners who contributed to the city's economy, and slaves who performed labor for the citizens. Citizens were typically free adult males who had completed military training and could participate in the democratic government of Athens.

What percentage of people in Athens were slaves?

About 30%. You could just type in this question in Google, and you can just read what's there because that's where I found it.

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