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the life in 1890 was diffrent so they used diffrent type of technology but that technology was not as good as the ones we have here the life in 1890 was diffrent so they used diffrent type of technology but that technology was not as good as the ones we have here

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Q: How did changes in technology affect the nations economy in the late 1800s?
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Usually, new technology will increase productivity in the economy. For example, if you replace a human in a factory with a robot that can work twice as quickly without breaks, productivity would increase.

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the panic of 1837 affected the nations economy by entering an economic depression where the business and unemployment fell to a very low level.

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it sometimes happends when people like the government get mad when people r makeing awesome video games and not finding new cures for st. Jude but im a teen what do i know! lol!

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Technology developed during the war was used for consumer products.