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It took capitalist attention away from southern economy

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Q: How did cash crops hurt the south's economy?
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How did the civil war hurt the souths economy?

it caused inflation, prices rose 9,000 percent %

How did cash crops hurt India?

the advantages of these crops is that , it develops the basis of the country and thus makes you a loser,does it yeah?

How did growing cash crops hurt small farmers?

Prices for in-demand cash crops are set in commodity markets. Therefore, small farmers relying of the crop will suffer low prices if a bumper crop is in excess elsewhere.

How did growing mostly cash crops hurt small farmers?

Prices for in-demand cash crops are set in commodity markets. Therefore, small farmers relying of the crop will suffer low prices if a bumper crop is in excess elsewhere.

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Why are African nation trying to diversify their economy?

The African Nation is trying to diversify their economies because A country with a diverse economy will not be hurt as much if a major cash crop fails or if world prices for one of it's major mineral exports suddenly drops. THAT'S THE REAL ANSWER!!!!

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Yes on the wife, no on the economy.

What actions would improve the present value of cash flows?

More small businesses. This would create more jobs in the community and help the economy get stronger. Also raising minimum wage wouldn't hurt.

Does war help or hurt a country's economy?

it doesnt