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Campaigning in 1824 and 1824 changed the way elections would forever be ran. The elections those years were particular vicious with dirty tactics.

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Q: How did campaigning change elections in 1824 and 1828?
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What was one reason that more people voted in the 1828 election than in previous presidential elections?

Grassroots campaigning

Why were there 3 times the number of voters turned out for the election of1828?

The first elections in the United States only allowed male property owners to vote. In 1828, all white men were allowed to vote. In 1824, John Quincy Adams won the election and many of Andrew Jackson's supporters were quite angry about it. So they worked at changing who was allowed to vote and how a candidate was selected. The candidates in the 1828 election were chosen by state conventions. Jackson's supporters would say that they wanted a man of the people, not the elite.

What was the name of the region that was still unexplored in 1828?

The only area that was still unexplored in 1828 was Patagonia

What was the states doctrine?


What was the name of Jackson's political party?

His beliefs were in line with Jeffersonian-Republicans, in the election of 1824 he was considered a Democratic-Republican, by the 1828 election he dropped Republican and became the first president of the Democratic party. Don't confuse his Democratic party with the modern Democratic party. The names/party is the same, but ideas on the role of government are different.

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What statement makes a true comparison of the 1824 and 1828 elections?

Sectional divisions were appearing in 1824 and very clear in 1828 FLVS. 4.27.2013 Julie Mae ;*

What was the reason the more people voted in the 1828 election than in previous presidential elections?

Grassroots campaigning

What was one reason that more people vote in the 1828 election than in previous presidential elections?

Grassroots campaigning

What was the one reason that more people voted in the 1828 election than in previous presidential elections?

Grassroots campaigning

What was one reason that more people voted in the 1828 election than in previous presidential elections.?

Grassroots campaigning

What was one reason that more people voted in the 1828 election than in previous presidential elections?

Grassroots campaigning

What years did Andrew Jackson win the Presidential Elections?

He won the presidential elections of 1828 and again in 1832.

What new ways of campaigning were introduced in 1824 in 1828?

Many of the candidates paid to have biographies written and distributed. John Calhoun wrote editorials for the Patriot newspaper. Andrew Jackson circulated letters about his views.

How many more electoral votes did Jackson receive in 1828 than in 1824?

Andrew Jackson received 99 electoral votes in 1824 and 178 electoral in 1828.

Who is Henri Johnson?

Governor of Louisiana (1824-1828).

Why did more people vote in 1828 than in earlier presidential elections?

More men were eligible to vote

How did political campaigning change the election of 1828?

Many of the candidates paid to have biographies written and distributed. John Calhoun wrote editorials for the Patriot newspaper. Andrew Jackson circulated letters about his views.