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Brinkmanship increased cold war tension by increasing the fear that there would be a catastrophic nuclear bomb dropped on some poor unsuspecting village of inocent people.

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Q: How did brinkmanship increase cold war tension?
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What was the tension between the US and the Soviet Union called?

the question makes no sense look at it again

How did policy of brinkmanship lead to the cold war?

they wanted to rebuild the empire during the cold war.

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ONE example of brinkmanship during the cold war?

the Korean war. we helped the Korean war. we helped

How did brinkmanship effect the Cold War?

It caused the war to spiral downward until it was later ended.

What are all the policies of the cold war?

The six policies of the cold war were detente, containment, brinkmanship, collective security, non-alignment and detterance.

What were some risks and advantages of the strategy of brinkmanship?

Brinkmanship is the act of pushing a situation to the verge of war, in order to threaten and encourage one's opponent to back down. Brinkmanship in the Cold War refers to the constant competition between the U. States of America and the Soviet Union.

What were some risks and advantages of strategy of brinkmanship?

Brinkmanship is the act of pushing a situation to the verge of war, in order to threaten and encourage one's opponent to back down. Brinkmanship in the Cold War refers to the constant competition between the U. States of America and the Soviet Union.

How did the existence of two China's increase cold war tension?

no one could figure out who won the staring contests

What was the period called of political tension following World War 2.?

The political tension was known as the Cold War.

What strategies were used in the Cold War?

Foreign aid, espionage, multinational alliances, propaganda, brinkmanship, and surrogate wars.

Who was invovled in the brinksmanship?

Brinkmanship was a foreign policy practiced in the 1950s by President Eeisenhower's secretary of State John Foster Dulles. The term came from Dulles's policy of pressing Cold War issues with the Soviet Union to the brink of war. Hence "brinkmanship."