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They became president of the U.S.A.

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Q: How did black evolve from indentured servants into slaves?
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Where was the first city in the US where black people were sold as slaves and used as slaves not indentured servants?

It was Virginia.

What is the reason plantation owners preferred to have slaves rather than indentured servants?

Slaves were owned as property, but indentured servants were white people who signed a 7 year contract for transportation to the colonies. They could also blend in with the population while anyone who was black was a slave.

Were indentured servants and slaves treated the same at first?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

Is the indentured servant slaves?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

How are indentured servants and slaves similar?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

Related questions

Why did Chesapeake planters use black slaves more than indentured white servants after 1680?

declining death rates made slaves more profitable than indentured servants

Where was the first city in the US where black people were sold as slaves and used as slaves not indentured servants?

It was Virginia.

When did indentured servants become slaves?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

How did indentured servants become chattel slaves?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

What is the reason plantation owners preferred to have slaves rather than indentured servants?

Slaves were owned as property, but indentured servants were white people who signed a 7 year contract for transportation to the colonies. They could also blend in with the population while anyone who was black was a slave.

Were indentured servants and slaves treated the same at first?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

Why did slaves replace indentured servants in the south?

Slaves were property and bought or sold. Indentured servants were people who signed a contract stating they would work for 7 years. Often they wouldn't finish the 7 years and disappear into the population. Slaves on the other hand were easy to find because anyone who was black was a slave.

Why did plantation owners switch from indentured servitude to black slavery?

because indentured servants were on a contract and got payed and slaves they got to keep forever. plus they saved more money cause they didnt pay slaves.

Is the indentured servant slaves?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

How are indentured servants and slaves similar?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

What were the difference between servants and slaves?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

What are Four items that describe the colony of South Carolina?

Large plantations, rice, indigo, indentured servants and black slaves, wealthy Virginians and Englishmen.