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by deciphering the cuneiform found on clay tablets

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Q: How did archaeologists discover that people of ancient Mesopotamia built on top of earlier ancient cities?
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Why do you think Egypt became a united kingdom earlier than Mesopotamia?

because of the Nile river providing such a huge impact on Egypt where as Mesopotamia did not have such a source of water to provide for their land and agriculture.

What does archaeological?

Archaeologists study artifacts the past to develop a picture of how people lived in earlier cultures and societies.Also Old bones and rocks

Who made the scissers?

No one knows when scissors were invented, let alone who invented them. Some think that scissors were invented in 1500 BCE in ancient Egypt. Others suggest scissors appeared in Mesopotamia 3,000 or 4,000 years ago, somewhat earlier than in Egypt.

Are there any dates earlier than 4000 BC?

There were cities in Mesopotamia (Iraq) around 6000 BC, I assume that counts as a "yes".

What does archaic means?

belonging to a much earlier time. suggesting an earlier style or period.

Did Romans invent barths?

No. Baths already existed in earlier ancient civilisations.