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This year it's on their GPS.

Before it was on their Loran.

Thought I'd go for all that sextant and stars crap didn't you.

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Q: How did ancient sailors navigate the globe?
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In ancient times why did sailors need to know about stars?

Sailors needed to know about stars for navigation purposes. By observing the positions of stars in the night sky, sailors could determine their location and direction at sea, helping them to navigate safely to their destinations.

What handy tool did sailors use to help them navigate?

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How do you use navigator in a sentence?

Ancient sailors used the stars to navigate between ports.

How do sailors navigate?

With Compasses and maps

How did observation of the sky help sailors in the past?

Sailors focused on the stars to navigate through unknown territory

How did observations of the sky help sailors in the past?

Sailors used celestial navigation techniques to navigate at sea by observing the positions of stars, the sun, and the moon. By studying these celestial bodies, sailors could determine their location, heading, and time of day, allowing them to navigate long distances and accurately reach their destinations.

Why did Martin Behaim invent a trrestreall globe?

Martin Behaim invented the terrestrial globe to help sailors navigate and explore the world more accurately. By depicting the Earth's landmasses and bodies of water on a spherical surface, the globe provided a better understanding of the world's geography and facilitated navigation across oceans.

What star helped sailors to navigate?

Polaris, the North Star.

What did the sailors used to navigate in the olden days?

The moon and stars.

How did pacific islanders navigate the ocean in ancient times?

* The presence of seabirds would indicate the location and distance of land masses.* It is known ancient sailors were able to navigate by the use of stars.* Early mariners may have known that ocean currents vary during different times of the year.

Why in ancient times sailors needed to know about the stars?

well not all sailors knew about stars while the navigators needed to know about the stars to navigate the sea so that they could know where they were in relation to different continents such as Asia so that they could get to trade ports

Why is longitude and latitude important to sailors?

So that they can know where theyre and can navigate