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The Romans did not unify Medieval or later (Renaissance or Early Modern) Western Europe, which was deeply divided and saw continuous wars between the various kingdoms. Through most Middle Ages there was little interest in the Romans in Western Europe because Christians Europeans looked down on them as pagans. One exception to this was Roman law. In 1070 a set of books was rediscovered in a library in Pisa. It was the Corpus Juris Civilis which later came to be dubbed Justinian code. This comprised a compendium and revision of Roman law and textbooks for law students. It was commissioned by the emperor Justinian I in the 6th century. The first university in Europe, Bologna University, in Italy, attracted law students from all over Europe because it had four professors who specialised in the study of the Corpus Juris Civilis. Roman law then became the basis for the training of the nascent profession of lawyers. around Europe.

Interest in the romans was revived to some extent in Late Medieval Italy by the Italian humanists. Their "father," Petrarch (1304-1374), advocated that the elites should study Latin literature and rhetoric to improve their sense of civic duty. Humanists travelled around the monasteries of Europe to find transcripts of Roman texts by monks which had been commissioned the Charlemagne some 400 centuries earlier. Studying the Romans became fashionable among the Italian elites.

The above mentioned led to the following historical period, the Renaissance. The term refers to the "rebirth" of interest in the classic (the Romans and Greeks). Architecture became based on that of the Romans and Greco-Roman mythological themes became a frequent motif of art. Through this the intesest Romans and the study of the Romans as part of the education of the elites spread throughout Europe.

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