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Q: How did ancient Greeks explain wetherseasonsand natural disasters?
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Are Greek gods and goddess's real?

No they are not real, the Greek gods were used in ancient times to explain natural disasters or epiphenomena that people didn't understand before

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Natural Disasters

What natural disasters did the Ancient Romans have to watch out for?

Ancient Romans had to watch out for natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts and human and animal diseases. Malaria was a big problem in Rome. There were outbreaks of outbreaks of typhoid, tuberculosis, smallpox .

Were there any natural disasters in Catal Huyuk?

There is no archaeological evidence to suggest that Catal Huyuk, an ancient Neolithic settlement in present-day Turkey, was affected by natural disasters during its existence. However, the area is prone to seismic activity due to its location along major fault lines.

Is natural disasters natural or manmade?

Consider the name and what they are like and you will reach the conclusion that they are natural. "Natural" disasters.

What natural disasters can help an ecosystems?

NO natural disasters can help an ecosystems

Which cultures are targeted by natural disasters?

Natural disasters do not target a specific culture - they are not rascist. If it seems as if a certain people group is getting targeted by natural disasters, it is only because the place in which they live is prone to natural disasters.

Are natural disasters natural occurrences?

Yes, natural disasters are natural occurrences. That is what the word "natural" means - not resulting from the activities of people.

What are the effects of natural disasters?

Natural disasters leave people homeless because their homes were damaged. Natural disasters can also affect wildlife because they are out in the weather.

Does God cause natural disasters?

No. Natural disasters are from natural causes. Maybe we can say God allows natural disasters.

What place on earth is immune to natural disasters?

No place on earth is immune to natural disasters.

Why did ancient Greeks use myths about their gods?

They were used to explain natural phenomena.