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Q: How did ancient Greeks explain apparent motion of the sun?
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Why did the fact that stars not show any Parallax motion convince the Greeks that the Earth was not moving?

I am not sure whether the ancient Greeks were involved. In any case, any movement of the Earth should be reflected in the apparent motion of distant objects, such as stars.However, in practice, this apparent motion is very small for the stars - the yearly parallax for even the closest stars is less than one arc-second (1/3600 of a degree).

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Please explain what apparent contradiction you are talking about.

Why was it difficult for ancient astronomers to explain about the apparent retrograde motion?

Ancient astronomers found it difficult to explain apparent retrograde motion because they believed the Earth was at the center of the universe and all celestial bodies revolved around it in perfect circles. Retrograde motion conflicted with this geocentric model, leading to complex explanations involving epicycles and deferents. It wasn't until Copernicus proposed a heliocentric model that retrograde motion could be better understood as an illusion caused by the relative speeds and orbits of planets.

How does a geocentric model explain the apparent motion of the stars?

All the stars are fixed to a sphere, which rotates once in 24 hours.

What planet was used to explain retrograde motion?

Retrograde motion is motion in the opposite direction. In the case of celestial bodies, such motion may be real, defined by the inherent rotation or orbit of the body, or apparent, as seen in the skies from Earth.

What does the Greek love of sports show about ancient Greeks?

They loved the body in motion and action, they defined the term athlete.

What is a star's apparent shift in motion called?

Motion parallax.

What is Mercury's apparent motion?

mercurys motion can be like any other planets motion

What are two types of star motions?

Actual motion and apparent motion.

How does apparent force affect the motion of an object?

Accelerates the motion of an object.

What is a stars apparent shift in position?


What is the apparent backward motion of a planet seen from earth called?

That is called 'apparent retrograde motion'.See the related link listed belowfor more information.