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Language and literature have been one of the great legacies of the Romans.

Western European languages have adopted and adapted the Latin alphabet. The only letters in the English language which do not come from the Latin alphabet are J, U and W.

Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian are languages derived from Latin (romance languages). Many Latin words have entered English via two routes. One was that Latin was the language of the church in the Middle Ages. The other was the Norman conquest of England. French became the court language and many French words entered into the English language. These words are usually of Latin origin.

Many international words in medicine, law and theology are Latin.

Latin literature, particularly the works of Terence, Cicero, Virgil, Horace, Ovid and Martial heavily influenced European literature until the mid-twentieth century

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The Roman and the Greek gods and goddesses are similar in a way that they are the same person in their religion, they just have different names.


The difference is when Greek gods and goddesses are in their Roman form, they feel an urge to just keep on fighting their enemies and never stop to try and give up.


They are the same god/goddess only they have a larger urge to keep fighting for something. That's that

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14y ago

it is because there are things that happen there didn't you know that

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They read the works of Homer and other Greek writers.

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Q: How did ancient Greek's literature influence Roman literature?
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Literary movement marked the return to the influence of the literature of the ancient Roman Empire during the Enlightenment?


Were ancient Greeks Roman cathic?

No, the ancient Greeks were pantheistic. they worshiped many gods and goddesses.

How did the Greeks influece roman religion?

The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.

Who was the Roman Miletus?

There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.

Who had a great influence on the roman monothestic religion?

Romans religion was not monotheistic. Like the religions of most ancient peoples, it was polytheistic. Early Roman religion was a variant of Latin religion with a degree of influence by the nearby Sabines and Etruscans and the Greeks of southern Italy.

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Which literary movement marked the return to the influence of the literature of the ancient roman empire during the enlightenement?

i dont know the answer I know the answer: Neoclassicism

What literary movement marked the return to influence of the literature of the ancient Roman Empire during the Enlightenment?


How did the Greeks influence roman writer?

Because Greeks copied everything that a roman had to offer.

How did Greeks influence Roman writers?

Because Greeks copied everything that a roman had to offer.

Are Greeks Roman?

No, Greeks are not Roman. Greeks are the people of Greece, an ancient civilization that predates the Roman Empire. Romans are the people of Rome, an ancient civilization that grew to prominence after the Greeks.

Literary movement marked the return to the influence of the literature of the ancient Roman Empire during the Enlightenment?


Were ancient Greeks Roman cathic?

No, the ancient Greeks were pantheistic. they worshiped many gods and goddesses.

How did the Greeks influece roman religion?

The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.The Greeks did not actually influence Roman religion. The Greeks and Romans worshiped the same major gods only under different names. The same can be said of other cultures. It seems that the ancient deities were universal even though they were called by different names.

Who were the people who shaped the roman civilization?

The ancient Romans were the citizen of ancient Rome, the city which is now the capital of Italy and the seat of the Pope. Therefore, Roman civilisation was shaped by the Romans The Romans were Latins. In the early days the Etruscans had some influence on Roman Culture. The Greeks had a strong influence of the Romans. The Roman elites looked up to them.

Who was the Roman Miletus?

There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.There is no Roman of note by the name of Miletus. Miletus was an ancient city founded by the Greeks in present day Turkey.

What are the meaning of Classical?

Of or relating to the first class or rank, especially in literature or art., Of or pertaining to the ancient Greeks and Romans, esp. to Greek or Roman authors of the highest rank, or of the period when their best literature was produced; of or pertaining to places inhabited by the ancient Greeks and Romans, or rendered famous by their deeds., Conforming to the best authority in literature and art; chaste; pure; refined; as, a classical style.

Is it true that The literature of Ancient Rome was the model for the literature of the Western world?

Yes, the literature of Ancient Rome, especially the works of Cicero, Virgil, and Ovid, had a significant influence on the development of literature in the Western world. Many Western writers looked to Roman literature as a model for their own works in terms of style, themes, and structure.