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Q: How did akhenaten make so many enemies?
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When did akhenaton die?

Akhenaten was not found yet so the information is to be continued

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they were divided so they were weak against their enemies

What pharaoh proceeded King Tutankhamun?

Tutankhamun was the son of Akhenaten, but was not the immediate succesor of Akhenaten. After Akhenaten died a pharaoh named Smenkhkare, who is believed to have been a younger brother of Akhenaten, may have been a co-regent of Akhenaten and ruled for a few years after his death. There is a second pharaoh who ruled between Akhenaten and Tutankhamun; Neferneferuaten, a female pharaoh whose identity is unknown. There are several theories to who she may have been; she may have been the wife and co-regent of Smenkhkare, or the daughter of Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti, or even Nefertiti herself. So the line of succession went from Akhenaten, Smenkhkare (?), Neferneferuaten (?) then Tutankhamun.

Why was Akhenaten murdered?

because he wanted to make the god amon one and only god. the people didn't like the idea so they murdered him. is that helping?

How many enemies does a bat have?

the biggest enemies are human, they make fire near the cave and also inside of cave, so a lots of bats were died because of fire and cats, birds especially owl is enemy in the nature.

Why do you think the Bible had so many enemies?

people always resist the truth.

What was king akhenaten famous for?

INFAMOUS in fact. He was king Tutankhamun's father. he was infamous for making the country of Egypt into a monothesitic worship. Instead of having their many gods Akhenaten made the people worship the sun god Amun.

How many enemies has Doctor Who had?

Loads - in fact he's had too many. The list is almost endless, so I can't list them all here. His worst enemy is the Daleks, but there are also other enemies such as the Cybermen, the Zygons, the Sontarans, the Master and his less well-known enemies included aliens like the Slitheen and Judoon, who are much recent. The writers always add new enemies every other series or so, so it is impossible to count all of them.

Why did the Romans attack there enemies?

so they would'nt have as many threats to deal with and so that they would'nt have to guard the risk of an attack

Can you use the word enemies in a sentence?

my enemies are so bad.

How King Tutankhamun became king?

He was the eldest son of Akhenaten and his unkown wife so he was chosen to be king

What are the black panther's enemies?

Black panthers do not have many enemies. Alligators and bears are known to eat black panthers and they are currently the only known meat eaters to do so.