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Jews migrated to Mexico to escape Hitler

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Q: How did adolf Hitler effect Mexico during the Holocaust?
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What effect did newspaper newsreels editorial cartoons and radio have during the holocaust?

they made people love hitler

What was Hitler's effect on the world?

hitler had cased world war II and the holocaust.

What were the effects of Hitler trying to kill the Jews?

The effect was that about 6 million Jews lost their lives in the Holocaust and millions more suffered.

Ineffective government during the holocaust - what is an effect from this?

are you suggesting that there was some? or what if there was some? which kind of government are you thinking of? More data needed

What effect did the Holocaust have on the economy?

it damaged it.

What effect did the Holocaust have on France the the French people?

It had different effects. France has (and especially in the 70's and 80's) the highest number of Holocaust deniers of any nation involved in the Holocaust, it was even in the mainstream media. Much of France was ashamed of their record during the Holocaust, denial was one way to deal with it.

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Would you have supported the controversial war with Mexico?

Not many people supported the controversial war with Mexico. Many people died during the way and it had no positive effect on any country.

What effect did the American government have on the Holocaust and how did America contribute?

The American government had no direct effect on the Holocaust. Obviously, the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Allies ended the genocide. I wonder if you are mistakenly equating the Holocaust with World War 2.

Did the holocaust effect how you view discrimination today?


What is the main effect of holocaust?

The main effect was six million less people were living.