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The Columbus travels to America revealed the amount of hospitality he had received from the Native Indians and the gifts of gold and riches he carried for the Emperor of Spain. These descriptions allured all European adventurists and travelers to explore America .

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Q: How did a desire to find gold and riches affect early explorationsin the Americas?
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How did a desire to find gold and riches affect early exploration in the America?

how did a desire to find gold and riches affect early exploration in the americas

What was Spanish hoping to find in the Americas?


What were. the causes of spanish expedition to the Americas?

The Spanish wanted riches such as gold and silver.

What were the causes of the Spanish expeditions to the Americas?

The Spanish wanted riches such as gold and silver.

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i wish i can find this answer

Which country was the richest and powerful in the 16th century?

Spain. they were the riches because of gold from the Americas

How did the success of Cortes and Pizarro affect later explorations of the Americas?

They helped look for riches. And they took over the main civilizations so they could get places faster.

What was the main goal of the earliest explores who reached the Americas?

to find riches and claim new land for their country

How could artifacts increased the European desire to explore and conquer the Americas?

Artifacts brought back from the Americas, such as gold, spices, and exotic animals, created a sense of fascination and wonder in Europe. These prized and valuable objects fueled the desire for exploration and conquest, as European nations sought to attain riches and establish dominance in the New World. The allure of these artifacts also generated a competitive spirit among European powers, further driving their interests in exploration and conquest.

What was the purpose of Pizarro coming to the Americas?

Francisco Pizarro came to the Americas with the goal of conquering the Inca Empire and claiming its riches for Spain. He aimed to expand Spanish territory and spread Christianity in the region.

According to the buddah how do you overcome the desire for things like riches?

Learn to see craving for riches for what it really is, delusion that's going to cause pain in the long run; cultivate the skills to see more accurately.

What were Spanish conquerors who were motivated by religious zeal and the desire of glory and riches?

Spanish conquerors who were motivated by religious zeal and the desire for glory and riches were known as conquistadors. They were primarily driven by a mix of religious fervor, ambitions of personal wealth and status, and a commitment to spreading Christianity in the New World. Some of the most famous conquistadors include Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro.