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Q: How did William penn view native Americans?
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Why did the constitution view native Americans as a foreign government?

Because the native Americans count as there own state.

How do native Americans view Thanksgiving?

that the pilgrims can get smurfed

How did John Rolfe view Native Americans?

The only documentation concerning Rolfe's view of Native American's is that he thought them "heathens."

How did eugenicists view Native Americans?

As a danger to the white race

How did Progressives view Native Americans?

As people who were close to the earth

How did Spanish Friars view native Americans religions?

They preferred the Catholic religion; they took ideas from the Native Americans and gave a "Christian spin" on them.

What is the meaning of ''Run to the Hills'' by Iron Maiden?

It is about the fate of the Native Americans. In the first part it is sung from their point of view, then during the verses it echoes the whites' point of view and the chorus is addressed to the Native Americans.

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so so bad

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novanet- sacred

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