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Thomas Paineâ??s â??Common Senseâ?? used clear, easy to understand language to make the case for independence. It was written in the style of a sermon, using biblical quotes to drive home the point . Itâ??s considered the most popular and inspiring pamphlet of the entire Revolutionary War and even General Washington had it read to his troops for inspiration.

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it convince many loyalist to become a patriot and fight for their Freedom.

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Q: How did Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense influence American colonial thinking about British rule?
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What was the effect of Paine's common sense on colonial thinking?

This established a baseline goal on what was expected of a successful government. Common Sense was one of the main reasons the Revolution took place, because many American's realized that they have a right to speak up.

Who was the major influence on American thinking during the enlightenment?

for me was Rousseau cause he gave us opions for the bills of rightsAnother ViewI think John Locke heavily influenced American thinking. His idea of the Social Contract gave American the reason, even responsibility, to break away from England. Also, Thomas Jefferson modeled the Declaration of Independence (notably life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) from the philosophy of John Locke.

What political impacts did the Enlightenment have on colonial America?

It shaped the thinking of future Revolutionary leaders in regards to the "rights of man."

Where was the African American war fought?

There is no such conflict as the African American War. You might be thinking of the Mexican-American War.

How did the European come to America?

this is for delawareReligious beliefs played heavily in legal thinking of the early colonial period, a period dating from 1607 to the end of the American Revolution (1775-83; a war fought between Great Britain and the American colonies in which the colonies won their independence). The modern American criminal justice system has its roots in the legal concepts carried by early English settlers to the New World. Drawn from the English legal system the colonists knew back home, colonial law evolved substantially through the next three centuries from the time of the first settlements up to the Revolutionary War. Following the war, independence from England allowed a distinctly new American legal system shaped by the experiences of the early colonists.Read more: Colonial Period - European Settlement Of North America, Factors Influencing Early Colonial Law, Differences From The English Criminal Justice System

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What was effect of Paine's common sense on colonial thinking?

Thomas Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense" helped the colonists break away from Great Britain. The colonists loyalties to the crown were deeply ingrained but this pamphlet created a massive movement. It encouraged the colonists to cut the ties to Great Britain and this prompted the American Revolution

What was the effect on paines common sense on colonial thinking?

Thomas Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense" helped the colonists break away from Great Britain. The colonists loyalties to the crown were deeply ingrained but this pamphlet created a massive movement. It encouraged the colonists to cut the ties to Great Britain and this prompted the American Revolution

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New ways of thinking.

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Shigemi Inaga has written: 'Questioning oriental aesthetics and thinking' -- subject(s): East and West, Colonial influence, Study and teaching, Congresses, Ethnicity, Colonies, Asian Art, History 'Questioning oriental aesthetics and thinking' -- subject(s): East and West, Colonial influence, Study and teaching, Congresses, Ethnicity, Colonies, Asian Art, History

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The Great Awakening emphasized emotional religious experiences and individual spiritual connections, leading to increased religious fervor and questioning of traditional authority in the colonies. The Enlightenment emphasized reason, science, and individual rights, encouraging critical thinking and the questioning of traditional beliefs. Both movements contributed to a shift in colonial thinking towards individualism, freedom of thought, and a desire for social and political change.

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Forests and independent thinking were plentiful in regions such as ancient Greece, where philosophers gathered to discuss ideas and individuals were encouraged to think critically. Additionally, the Amazon rainforest is a modern example of a region where vast forests thrive and indigenous cultures value independent thinking and connection to nature.

What is historical influence?

Historical influence is where events affect people's way of thinking and often shapes their way of thinking on how to handle social issues.

What was the effect of Paine's common sense on colonial thinking?

This established a baseline goal on what was expected of a successful government. Common Sense was one of the main reasons the Revolution took place, because many American's realized that they have a right to speak up.

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Portuguese Thinking. In another hand Spanish Thinking

What effect did colonial unity have on the America of thinking?

go f**** your self

How did Woodrow Wilson's religious upbringing influence his thinking about war?

Wilson's father was a minister and he grew up in the shadow of the American Civil War. Both of these things led to his neutrality.

Who is the colonial?

i think you might be thinking of kernel, colonial was a period in American history. Colony means when a country sends people out and claims land as there own but is still ruled by the country that sent them. So let's recap colonial America was a time in America's past were people were sent by England. They still were citizens of England but just across the sea. I hope this helped.