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By patient persuasion - he got them to use the proceeds of a rich silver mine to build a navy rather than divide it up amongst the citizens. This navy, larger than that of any other Greek city, became the basis of rising Athenian power.

During the Persian invasion, he persuaded the Athenians to evacuate their city which could not be defended, and join with the other southern Greek cities in defeating Persia at sea.

After the Persian invasion was turned back, he arranged the building of walls not only around the city, but also linked to their harbour. This meant that Athens could defend the city, import food when under siege, and use the navy to raid their enemies by sea from their secure port.

This laid the foundation on which Athens later built it's empire.

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He didn't. The Greek fleet commander was Eurybiades of Sparta.

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Q: How did Themistocles lead the Athenians?
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Lead generals for spartans and athenians?

Sparta lead generals were Eurybiades and Pausanias. Athens lead generals were Miltiades. Themistocles, Xanthippos. Cimon.

Who was the senator of Athens that told them to build a navy in the Persian Wars?

Athens did not have a senate. Themistocles was a politician who persuaded the Athenians not to spend the proceeds of a rich silver strike on themselves, but to build a war fleet, knowing that the Persians would return to avenge their loss at Marathon.

Who saved lives of Athenians when attacked by Xerxes' army?

Some nearby cities took in the Athenian families when the men of military age abandoned the city and embarked on the warships to help overcome the Persian fleet.According to Herodotus, the Delphic oracle was consulted when the Persian Army approached, and it said that Athens would be protected by wooden walls. Some built wooden walls to defend the Acropolis and perished, but Themistocles convinced them that the wooden walls were the triremes of the Athenian fleet. The city was evacuated and destroyed by the Persians, but Themistocles and his 'wooden walls' were part of the allied fleet which demolished the Persian Navy at the Battle of Salamis, the turning point of the war. If the Athenians had remained to defend the city they would have been overwhelmed, killed and enslaved. It could be said that Themistocles saved their lives by organising the oracle to convince the Athenians to evacuate the city.We must of course recognise that Delphi had a remarkable spy system to keep track of events in the Greek world, to anticipate and generate oracles appropriate to the questions being sent to their Oracle. No doubt Themistocles helped compose the answer and provided an appropriate bribe to facilitate this support to the strategy which he was trying to push to the Athenian people as the Persians progressed their ponderous advance towards Greece.The strategy which he was working to is explained in the answer in WikiAnswer What_was_the_battle_at_Thermopylae_involving_the_300_and_who_won

What were the main accomplishments of Themistocles?

· Themistocles saved Greece, for it was his strategies that won the battle of Salamis. · He was also very active in the victory of the Marathon the Persian fleet landed it's ground forces but Themistocles thought ahead and met them at the beach with his army and stopped the invasion before it begun. · He convinced the Athenian government that the way to victory against the Persians was through a naval battle · · I am doing a project on Themistocles so when I cam across this site and noticed the questioned hadst been answered I decided to help. Haven't finished yet therefore I only got three major accomplishments!!! Good luck though...

Who convinced the Athenian Assembly to build a navy?


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