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Stalin, as a strong power figure, used the military to centralize control. The result was a world power that had a major impact in World War II and carried over through the cold war. The break up of the Soviet Union was the result of decentralization of power.

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Q: How did Stalin centralize control in russia and what were the results?
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Who was Stalin's rival for control of russia in the late 1920s?

Leon Trotsky.

What happened to control of Russia after the death of Lenin?

Control of Russia passed to Joseph Stalin, Lev Kamenev and Gregory Zinoviev acting together. Gradually, Stalin ousted the others and took complete control by 1929.

Who took control of russia as world war 2 started?

That would be Josef Stalin.

How did Stalin control people in russia?

By Central Comittee of Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Who had the greater impact on Russia and the Russian people Lenin or Stalin?

They both had great impacts on Russia. Lenin played a part that wanted to have everyone equal when Stalin tricked people to get in control. Stalin got to power and dictated, Lenin was a revolutionary who believed in communism. Stalin wanted socialism.

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Joseph Stalin was the leader of Russia in 1939.

Joseph Stalin ruled russia and was a?

Joseph Stalin was a tyrant that seemed to take pleasure in killing and taking more control. He was said to "rule with an iron fist."

What was stalin's goal?

Stalin's main ambition was to have complete control over Russia. If you are referring to his goal in killing 20 million of his own people, it was to get rid of his enemies. He was a diagnosed paranoid.

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The only part I know is they destroyed a man named Kiev.

Who ruled russia during the holocaust?

Joseph Stalin was the dictator of Russia during WW2 and the Holocaust.

What is josef Stalin?

the answer is not who but what. Josef Stalin was the totalitarian ruler of Russia

Who is Joseph Stalin what did he do?

Joseph Stalin was the leader of the USSR (Russia)