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Rome gained land during the republican years by conquest, treaty and by inheritance.

Rome gained land during the republican years by conquest, treaty and by inheritance.

Rome gained land during the republican years by conquest, treaty and by inheritance.

Rome gained land during the republican years by conquest, treaty and by inheritance.

Rome gained land during the republican years by conquest, treaty and by inheritance.

Rome gained land during the republican years by conquest, treaty and by inheritance.

Rome gained land during the republican years by conquest, treaty and by inheritance.

Rome gained land during the republican years by conquest, treaty and by inheritance.

Rome gained land during the republican years by conquest, treaty and by inheritance.

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Rome gained land during the republican years by conquest, treaty and by inheritance.

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until 44 B.CC

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Who in rome may have viewed expansion in rome negatively during ceasars rule?

If you are referring to Julius Caesar, there was no Roman expansion during his five years of rule. Rome, instead, was caught up in civil war during most o those five years. Julius Caesar conquered Gaul before he became the ruler. The people who had a negative view of this were his political opponents. They thought that Caesar did this to gain political prestige through the glamour of victory and to pay off his enormous debts through the spoils of war.

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The 12 Tables bound the formerly alien populations to the fortunes of Rome & drew them into the Roman political & cultural system.

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How did Marius and Sulla gain support and loyalty?

Sulla and Marius were both powerful military and political leaders during the Roman Republic. Sulla served under Marius in the Numidian (or Jugurthine) War. They then went on to become rivals, at one point Sulla marched on Rome causing Marius to flee. They had very different views on what was best for Rome - for example, Sulla increased the power of the Senate, and Marius decreased it.

What did Rome gain from these?

You need to specify what 'these' refers to.