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They sent the army to deal with them.

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Q: How did Romans deal with invaders?
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Who are the invaders who changed europe?

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What two peoples preserved much of the science of the Greeks and Romans?

The Arab invaders who settled in Mesopotamia and Spain.

What did the Romans use to protect rome in the period of decline?

They built a wall around the city to keep out invaders

What two peoples preserved much of science of the Greeks and Romans?

The Arab invaders who settled in Mesopotamia and Spain.

Why were the Romans such effective invaders?

The Romans were effective invaders for several reasons. Firstly, their military training and discipline were unparalleled, allowing them to execute complex and coordinated maneuvers. Secondly, the Romans built and maintained a vast network of roads, enabling them to mobilize their troops quickly and efficiently. Lastly, they were skilled at assimilating and incorporating the cultures and technologies of the peoples they conquered, helping to stabilize and govern their newly acquired territories.

Has deal castle ever been attacked?

i beileve deal castle has been attacked by the romans....

Why did the iceni's hate the Romans so much?

There is no a single nation, region, town, village or unit of mankind that loves to be occupied and live under the instructions of invaders and the Romans did invade in the territory of Icenis

What defensive measure did the Romans use to protect Rome in the. Of decline after the five good emperors?

They built a wall around the city to keep out invaders.

In order - name the three foreign invaders who battled for control over Egypt?

Hyksos, Libyians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans.

What was the deal between the Romans and the Goths?

they have problems and they hate each other