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With a large number of US Marines

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Q: How did Robert e lee capture John Brown?
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Who was nationally know for the capture of john brown?

Robert Eat. Lee

Who led the US marines to capture john brown?

Colonel Robert E. Lee.

When did John Wilkes Booth capture John Brown?

He didn't. John Brown was captured by a Company of US Marines under the command of Colonel Robert E. Lee.

Who led the marines at Harpers Ferry?

Robert e. lee

What was the relationship of Robert E. Lee and John Brown?

Secret Lovers

Which men captured john brown?

Robert E Lee and his marines.

What US army colonel captured John Brown?

Colonel Robert E. Lee commanded the Federal forces that ended the John Brown slave rebellion attempt. Brown was captured and eventually executed for treason.

Who captured John Brown and his men in Harpers Ferry?

Robert E Lee

Who led the marines that stopped john brown?

Colonel Robert E. Lee

Who re-toke harper's ferry after john brown?

Colonel Robert E. Lee

Which branch of the US military was Robert E Lee serving in when he recaptured Harpers Ferry from John Brown and his associates?

In 1858, Robert E. Lee was serving as a colonel in the US Marines when he recaptured Harper's Ferry from John Brown and his associates.

Who lead the American troops against john brown at harpes ferry?

Robert Edward Lee.