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Q: How did Richard Allen help the underground railroad?
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What is the underground railroad?

Please Help its for a grade!

What was the underground railroad who were the passengers and the conductors?

The 'passengers' of the Underground Railroad were enslaved African Americans and 'conductors' were abolitionists(people against slavery). But remember, the Underground Railroad wasn't underground and wasn't an actual railroad

Was the underground railroad for a train?

no. the underground railroad was a secret (underground) chain of people who would help slaves reach freedom. the "railroad" part of the underground railroad was simply a way to refer to the chain of people that runaway slaves would stay with.

What was the Underground Railroad-?

The Underground Railroad was used to help slaves in the U.S. escape to states that were free, or to Canada. The railroad was a system of safe houses and secret routes.

What was created to help freed slaves?

the underground railroad

Who help slaves escape the underground railroad?

Harriet Tubman

What was the underground railroad and what did it provide?

it was to help free the slaves from there masters

Did the abolitionist moved to the south to help on the underground railroad?


Did the acts of the underground railroad bring slavery into the focus of the public?

Not really but, some people did help the underground railroad but were very secritive about it because it was illegal.

What was the underground railroad good for?

The effects were to help the slaves reach freedom.