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Q: How did Philip B. Downing's invention help other people?
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Which invention do you think had a greatest effect on the daily lives of Americanswhy?

The invention that had the greatest effect on the daily lives of Americans was the Television. Before the Television people had to wait for several weeks for information about the government to come to them. After the Television to be invented people could get informed faster and easier. This invention also changed the way people socialized with other people. Before the Television's invention people went out from their homes to talk to other people because they didn't had anything else to do. After the Television's invention people stayed in their rooms to watch the TV.

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People could use soap to wash themselves and other things.

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It allowed people to connect with each other on the go!

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One invention in the 17th century that significantly altered the way people saw their world was the microscope. The other invention was the telescope.

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How did the invention of the telephone affect america?

The invention of the telephone allowed people who where not near each other to effectively communicate. That meant the telephone began the shrinking of the world. It allowed America to grow much easier.

What inventions back then were helpful?

I guess the best invention would be the telephone because it helps us communicate with other people.

How did the invention of writing make other Egyptian achievements possible?

Writing allows the sharing and distribution of information, which allows other people to build upon concepts.

What is the most important invention or discovery of these decade?

I would say that the discovery of Dark matter would be the biggest discovery. But other people may have other opinions.

Could human speech have been the invention of a single person?

No. Human speech developed so people could communicate with each other. Thus, it required feedback. People had to speak to each other.

What other invention did it lead to?
