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There were some radical proposals. Huey Long (The Kingfish) from Louisiana gained some support for his "Share the Wealth" program. This would place taxes on the very wealthy and no personal incomes on more than one million dollars a year. This appealed to the poor and middle class. Dr. Townsend proposed a monthly pension plan in which the federal government would pay a pension to all people over 60 years of age. The pensioners would have to spend all the monthly pension before getting the next months check, and they could not work. Father Coughlin WA a Roman Catholic priest who had a radio program. He proposed a complete overhaul of the monetary system, including abolition of the Federal Reserve System. While FDR had his critics, none of their programs were ever adopted and FDR's popularity remained high and eventually the critics and their supporters gave up.

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Many people oppose FDR's court-packing plan because many felt that FDR is trying to control the Supreme Court.

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Q: How did New Deal critics propose to end the depression?
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What was the name of fdr's plan to get the US out of the great depression?

The plans to end the US's Great depression were developed by Franklin Delano Roosevelt and was called the "New Deal".

What was franklin Roosevelt’s plan to end the Great Depression known as?

The New Deal

What was the name of the Roosevelt's plan to ease The Great Depression?

New Deal

Why did groups at both ends of the political criticize the New Deal?

Republicans and business people charged that the New Deal programs were too radical, undermining private property, economic stability, and democracy. Critics on the left faulted the New Deal for its failure to allay the human suffering caused by the depression and for its timidity in attacking corporate power and greed.

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black people

How did Franklin D. Roosevelt get the U.S out of the Great Depression?

Franklin Roosevelt did not get the US out of the great depression he streached out the depression and made it worse. We may be in for a very long depression if Obama tries to do the same things that Roosevelt did. Look how long the Roosevelt depression lasted.

Franklin D roosevelt named his program to fight the depression what?

The New Deal

What was Roosevelt's to the Great Depression?

He created the New Deal.