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Q: How did Napoleon codify French laws?
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How did Napoleon codify laws?

New laws

Was Napoleon the great codifier?

Napoleon did codify French law, and the resulting body of law known as the Code Napoleon is still fundamental to French law, to this day. So in that sense yes, Napoleon was the great codifier.

The organization of French laws under Bonaparte was called?

Code Napoleon

The organization of french laws under napoleon was called?

Napoleonic Code was the term for the laws established under Napoleon. It set rules for freedom of religion, and hiring policies based on qualifications.

The organization of french laws under napoleon was called the?

It's the Napoleonic Code.

What ideas plans laws did Napoleon Bonaparte offer to the french people that made him so popular in the middle ages?

Napoleon ruled in the 1800's. Not the Middle Ages.

Why did the French revolted against Napoleon Bonaparte?

The French generally supported Napoleon.

Why did Napoleon believe to reform tax code in France?

The left over feudal laws that remained on the books in some parts of France and the Draconian Laws issued by the French Republic.

If you were a French voter in 1803 how would you have voted on the plebiscite to make Napoleon Emperor?

If I was A French soldier in 1803 I would have voted no to make Napoleon emperor. I would have voted no because, although some of Napoleons laws or rights were good, at different times he changed them. He made rights and laws that benefited the people and others didn't benefit different people so much. Even though Napoleon was a very great general, I would not count on him to make fair laws and rights for all the people.

Who was Napoleon the Great?

Napoleon the great was a French Empreror.

How did Napoleon change the French legal system?


How do you say I am Napoleon in French?

Je suis Napoleon