I'm a Napoleon supporter so I have more good to say about him than bad ha. However, Napoleon in many ways went against the ideals of the Revolution. Firstly, the French Revolution fought for democracy but Napoleon was a dictator. Secondly, one other ideal of the French Revolution is to have checks and balances within the government but Napoleon made almost all the political decisions on his own. Overall, Napoleon's style of government was closer to absolutism which was a big no-no of the French Revolution.
He attempted to Boycott UK goods from the Continent.
It was less than fair to women. That was based on the custom of the time, but may have included a personal bias related to Napoleon Bonaparte since he could justly be accused of a sexist leaning. Because it expressly called for the separation between Church and State in a nation that is, by a large majority Catholic,) it can also be said to be an Anti Catholic document which may also represent a personal bias that he reconciled with on his death bed. (Napoleon did receive the Last Rites of the Catholic faith on St. Helena.)
Why did Napoleon sign a treaty with the U.S. in 1810 agreeing to respect the neutrality rights of the U.S.?
it hurt them by loosing soilders and gaing weapons and clothing
The negative effects of having People Power Revolution include the downfall of a country's economy. It may also lead to violence and hurt innocent people.
While he was not an active player in the early days, his contribution was to defend the Revolution from those who sought its destruction like the counter revolutionary Royalists. His whiff of grapeshot effectively ended that threat.
Because anything that hurt the British, especially British world trade, was fine by the French.
The French and Indian war along with helping the American Revolution cost France large sums of money. The monarchy became unstable, there were food shortages and the French Revolution ended the monarchy.
The French and Indian war along with helping the American Revolution cost France large sums of money. The monarchy became unstable, there were food shortages and the French Revolution ended the monarchy.
The French and Indian war along with helping the American Revolution cost France large sums of money. The monarchy became unstable, there were food shortages and the French Revolution ended the monarchy.
The French and Indian war along with helping the American Revolution cost France large sums of money. The monarchy became unstable, there were food shortages and the French Revolution ended the monarchy.
The French and Indian war along with helping the American Revolution cost France large sums of money. The monarchy became unstable, there were food shortages and the French Revolution ended the monarchy.
Economically and Militarily.
to hurt is "blesser" or "faire mal" in French
The money spent to help America that was never paid back hurt France's economy, making the lower classes even poorer and more likely to revolt.
This how you say 'will it hurt' in French. va ça faire mal?
Are you hurt is "êtes vous bléssé(e) ?" in French.