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Q: How did Mussolini and the Fascist regime manufacture consent in Italy?
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What country was the first fascist state?

ItalyProbably Italy. The fascist government started in 1922 under Benito Mussolini.

How did Mussolini use police terror?

Mussolini used the police to kill or arrest anybody who opposed what he said. This resulted in the fear that you would be killed if you opposed what Mussolini said so people didn't question it.

Why did Mussolini outlaw opposing parties?

Mussolini didn't want other political parties to be voted for - once Italian citizens found out the Blackshirts were a fascist party, people chose to elect another party. When Mussolini outlawed other parties in 1926, it was impossible to vote for anyone else. People who spoke up against the regime were killed.

Did benieto Mussolini used collectivization to take over farmlands in the soviet union?

Benito Mussolini was the "virtual" fascist dictator of Fascist Italy from the 1920s to 1943. The Soviet Union, at the time of Mussolini's regime, was ruled by Stalin. Collectivization was a term most popular with Stalin's Five Year Plan in the Soviet Union during the 1930s in which resources are harvested basically for the state. So, Mussolini probably did not employ the same economic techniques Stalin did since his Italy revolved more around ethnic origin and nationality rather than the alleged common good in the Soviet Union.

How did Benito Mussolini get control over Italy is government?

Mussolini did many things to keep control in Italy. Four of the biggest things were instituting martial law and making himself dictator, forming an alliance with Germany, establishing a fascist regime, and enforcing very strict censorship laws.

Related questions

What kind of regime did Mussolini have?

Mussolini was an Italian Fascist leader.

what type of regime was created under mussolini in italy?


Why did Mussolini use gangs to fascist thugs in Italy?

to round up opposition to his regime.

What country was the first fascist state?

ItalyProbably Italy. The fascist government started in 1922 under Benito Mussolini.

How did Mussolinis fascist regime rule Italy?

Fascism and totalitarianism are based on fear. Mussolini took control of all communications, and his men patrolled the streets.

How did Mussolini use police terror?

Mussolini used the police to kill or arrest anybody who opposed what he said. This resulted in the fear that you would be killed if you opposed what Mussolini said so people didn't question it.

What two foreign nations had Italy taken over by 1936?

Italy's fascist regime made considerable efforts to colonize parts of Africa. By 1936, led by Benito Mussolini, Italy had invaded Libya and Ethiopia.

Why did Mussolini outlaw opposing parties?

Mussolini didn't want other political parties to be voted for - once Italian citizens found out the Blackshirts were a fascist party, people chose to elect another party. When Mussolini outlawed other parties in 1926, it was impossible to vote for anyone else. People who spoke up against the regime were killed.

What Does Hitlerism Denote?

Hitlerism is perhaps a poor and less than accurate term to describe fascism. A country with a fascist regime places all important powers within the hands of the fascists that control the government. Voting is meaningless after it elects a fascist regime, or if by armed conflict, a fascist regime gains power in a nation.

Spanish fascist approach to religion and education?

Most fascist regimes were Roman Catholic, including the Franco regime.

Who said democracy is a kingless regime?

benito mussolini

What is the term for a form of government that usually has fascist or military leanings?
