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Essentially, they were treated as they have always been treated; terribly. Outcasts of society in most places and considered dirty and mischievous. Especially northern countries and territories of Europe have always suffered from unjustified antisemitism. In several of the crusades to the Holy Land, Jews were considered the enemy just as much as the Muslims were.

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Q: How did Medieval Christian's treat Jewish people?
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How did the Nazis treat Jews in the early stages of the war?

the Jewish people were highly discriminated on by Germans, health benefits, loans etc were refused to be given to the Jews, during the rise of Hitler it was then announced that the entire Jewish race shall be exterminated

Why did the Jews treat the early Christians the way they did?

Philo of Alexandria, and other Jewish writers from the early to middle first century, never even mentioned the Christians. Josephus, a former Jewish priest, then military leader and historian, writing late in the first century seems to have mentioned Christians briefly and somewhat favourably. So, we do not really have much information about how the Christians and Jews treated each other, apart from a few references in the New Testament, although there seems to have been tension between the two religions from early times. The Christians maligned the Jews for the death of Jesus. After the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, some Christians seem to have seen their religion as the natural successor to Judaism. They were also competitors for converts among the pagan or gentile population. Towards the end of the first century, the Jews responded by banning the Christians from their synagogues and requiring worshippers to condemn Christianity, as evidence that they were not secretly Christians.

How do the Japanese people treat their elders?

japanese people treat thier elders with a to of respect!

How did Hitler treat newborn babies?

Hitler didnt bother with babies much but if they were Jewish he would kill them

Did Hitler treat Jewish adaults different to Jewish children?

Yes. Jewish children meant simply nothing to him, those were killed in gas chambers immediately. The adults were in concentration camps, because they could work. But when they got old, Hitler killed them in gas chambers too.

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The same way that they treat others.

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By bleeding people, doctors back then thought bleeding would get the sickness out.

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Like peasants. They were queens and the peasants were poor people who worked the land or made the things that were needed.

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"Christians" is not a homogeneous group of people therefore there is no one way of thinking for those who are Christian. Christianity is a philosophy, not a religion, and out of it comes many different ways to view the world and how people should live.

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Under his leadership, tens or hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed, and the survivors were exiled.

How did Hitler treat the Jewish?

Like animals

How did they treat tonsillitis in medieval times?

In medieval times they would have used certain herbs to help cure or help with the pain.

How did the Muslims treat the Christians during the middle ages and why?

Very well. The religion practiced tolerance towards others. In Muslim Spain the Jewish population was allowed to live without fear and to practice their faith. This was a real difference compared to the Christian approach to the Jews. Christians put their Jewish populations in ghettos, didn't allow them to own or live in some areas or business. In 1492 they were told to leave Spain.