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Mary's first husband, Francois, King of France, died from illness I believe. He was on the sickly side. Her second husband, Henry, Lord Darnely died under mysterious circumstances. Some people think that she murdered him. I'm not sure how her third husband, Lord Bothwell, died.

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Q: How did Mary Queen of Scots' Husband die?
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Did bloody Mary die before Mary queen of scotts?

Mary I (Bloody Mary) - (1516 - 1558) Mary Queen of Scots - (1542 - 1587) So yes Mary Queen of Scots did die after Mary I.

Who took the throne after Mary Tudor?

-- Mary's heir -- Interestingly, Queen Mary I (Mary Queen of Scots), was NOT Queen of Scots at the time of her execution. Mary's reign ended in 1567 when she was forced to abdicate in favour of her infant son, but she did not die until 1587. In the meantime, she had been replaced by her son, King James VI, who reigned over Scotland until 1625 (over England from 1603). So, James VI succeeded Mary, but at the time of Mary's death, the heir to the throne could not have been James, as he was already King, so it was instead James Hamilton, 3rd Earl of Arran who was heir in 1587. James was the great, great grandson of King James II. In 1594, James had a son, so the heirship passed to him.

When did Mary Hays husband die?

he died in 1786

Where did Lord Darnley die?

Henry, Lord Darnley, (2nd husband of Mary, Queen of Scots and father to her only son, James) died in 1563 in suspicious circumstances. He was found in the garden of a house in Kirk O'Field, Scotland, where an explosion had taken place. Although the house had been blown up, it seems that Darnley and his servants managed to get out of the windows, but it would appear that they had been strangled by assailants waiting for them. Mary and Lord Bothwell (who would become her 3rd husband) were implicated in Darnley's death, but nothing was proven.

Why was Mary Queen of Scots beheaded?

Mary Stuart, known as Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded for high treason under the charge that she had participated in a plot to eliminate Queen Elizabeth (there is much more to this story however). Mary was the grand-daughter of Margaret Tudor, sister of Henry VIII therefore she had a claim on the English throne. Being a fervent Catholic, she was allied with Philip II of Spain--a ruthless enemy of her sister-in-law Queen Elizabeth mainly because she was a Protestant. After Mary was executed, Philip II sent a mighty navy to invade England (which became know as the invincible armada). Only, it wasn't so invincible after all. Some decisive cirurgical [what is this word?] strikes by vastly outnumbered English ships and a major storm left most ships at the bottom of the ocean and the few remaining fleeing Actually Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded because she was a catholic and a growing threat to Protestant England. I say a growing threat because it had become obvious that Elizabeth would not be producing an heir, and the unthinkable could happen Mary would become Queen of England. The trial was a farce. Nothing was produced to link her with Babington except `copies` of letters. As Mary said "Produce something with my handwriting and seal" The give away was by the Earl of Kent on the eve of her execution "You must die" he said "so that my faith will survive". Strangely enough after the death of Mary Tudor, Philip of Spain championed the claim of Elizabeth since Mary was allied to France and France and Spain were enemies. AS for the Armada, this was Philip tired of hsi ships being attacked by England and his threat of revenge. In fact half the ships had guns but the cannonballs did not fit and they were taken without a shot being fired. Actually Queen Elizabeth is Mary Queen of Scots cousin not aunt.

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Did bloody Mary die before Mary queen of scotts?

Mary I (Bloody Mary) - (1516 - 1558) Mary Queen of Scots - (1542 - 1587) So yes Mary Queen of Scots did die after Mary I.

Which day did Mary Queen of Scots Mother die?

Mary of Guise-mother of Mary Queen of Scots- died on the 11th of June 1560.

When did Mary queen die?

Mary queen of Scots died on the 8th of February 1587

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When did Mary king of Scots die?

Mary, Queen of Scots was born 8th December 1542 and died 8th February 1587.

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september 18 1358

What day did Mary Queen of Scots die?

February 7th, 1587 at Fotheringhay Castle in Northamptonshire.

Where did Mary Queen of Scots die?

Mary I .... popularly known as Mary, Queen of Scots was tried following her involvement in 3 plots to assassinate Elizabeth I of England and place herself on the throne, she was convicted of treason and sentenced to beheading. The execution took place at Fotheringhay Castle, Northamptonshire, England on the 8th February 1587.

How did Mary 1 queen of Scots die?

She was beheaded at Fotheringhay Castle in 1587 after being found guilty on trumped up charges.

Did Mary Queen of Scots deserve to die true or false?

no because she made Rachel Stewart eat poo and drink pee i don't like her

When did Mary Queen of Scots die?

Died Feb. 8, 1587Mary Queen of Scots died on the 8th of February 1587 by execution.Mary, Queen of Scots, also known as Mary Stuart ( which was her family name) was executed by Axe in l587. The axe-wielding executioner was allowed Three strokes to perform the tragic deed, he managed in two- The second strike neatly severing her neck and head from the body, as her head was lifted up to show she was dead, her red wig fell off. a tragic end to a beautiful queen.

When did Queen Mary I of England die?

Mary I was born on 18 February 1516.Mary 1st born:18th Febuary 1516Officially became Queen:July 1553Mary 1st died:17th November 1558