Octavian told a roomer to Marc Antony that Cleopatra died and then Marc Antony stabbed himself in the stomach with a sword and died.Then Cleopatra heard a bout his death and got biten by an asp (poisonus snake).
During the war of Egypt and Rome, the Egypt ships surrendered to the Roman army because they knew there was no point in fighting, but Mark Antony thought Cleopatra had ordered them to surrender. Antony was very mad, and Cleopatra thought he might go against her so she hid. While the war raged on, and the buildings were destroyed, the Queen was no where to be found. While passing Mark Antony, someone falsely told him that Cleopatra had died. Feeling empty, Antony decided there was no point of living without her and killed himself by stabbing a knife into his belly.
MArk Antony died on August 1, 30 BC
No, Marc Antony killed himself at least two weeks before Cleopatra killed herself, maybe longer. The ancients give no exact date, but they all agree that Cleopatra made advances to Octavian, tried to starve herself, was ill and recovered, all after Antony's death, and this took time.
Mark Antony was not a king. He was around when Rome was still a republic. He originally was one of Julius Caesar's generals. Later he was part of what historians call the Second Triumvirate, an alliance he made with Octavian and Lepidus which ruled Rome from 43 BC t0 33 BC. Mark Antony died in 30 BC in the Final Civil War of the Roman Republic which Octavian fought against him and his ally, Cleopatra VII of Egypt.
Marc Antony stabbed himself, or as the Romans would say "he fell on his sword". This was an honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.Marc Antony stabbed himself, or as the Romans would say "he fell on his sword". This was an honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.Marc Antony stabbed himself, or as the Romans would say "he fell on his sword". This was an honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.Marc Antony stabbed himself, or as the Romans would say "he fell on his sword". This was an honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.Marc Antony stabbed himself, or as the Romans would say "he fell on his sword". This was an honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.Marc Antony stabbed himself, or as the Romans would say "he fell on his sword". This was an honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.Marc Antony stabbed himself, or as the Romans would say "he fell on his sword". This was an honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.Marc Antony stabbed himself, or as the Romans would say "he fell on his sword". This was an honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.Marc Antony stabbed himself, or as the Romans would say "he fell on his sword". This was an honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.
Mark Antony died in Alexandria in 31BC after losing his love Cleopatra and the two battles of Actium and Alexandria.
He committed suicide while at the same time he came to know that Cleopatra was dead.
During the war of Egypt and Rome, the Egypt ships surrendered to the Roman army because they knew there was no point in fighting, but Mark Antony thought Cleopatra had ordered them to surrender. Antony was very mad, and Cleopatra thought he might go against her so she hid. While the war raged on, and the buildings were destroyed, the Queen was no where to be found. While passing Mark Antony, someone falsely told him that Cleopatra had died. Feeling empty, Antony decided there was no point of living without her and killed himself by stabbing a knife into his belly.
Mark Antony Lower died in 1876.
Mark Antony died by "falling on his sword". In other words he stabbed himself, which was an honorable way for a Roman soldier to die.
MArk Antony died on August 1, 30 BC
Antony died in 30 BC .After receiving an erroneous message that Cleopatra was dead, he committed suicide as this was considered an honorable way for a Roman to die.
Cleopatra's lover, Mark Antony had stabbed himself because he had heard Cleopatra was dead. His army had also been defeated by Octavian, the enemy so he decided he had nothing to live for. Cleopatra found out that Antony had killed himself ...
Marc Antony died in Egypt in Cleopatra's tomb, supposedly in Cleopatra's arms.Cleopatra was taken as a prisoner from Octavian, he took him too to the tomb where Cleopatra was hiding in Egypt at Alexander the Greats tomb. Moments later he dies in his arms :(
Antony killed himself because he had been defeated and it was an honorable way for a Roman to die. Cleopatra killed herself because she could not stand the thought of being publicly disgraced in Octavian's triumph at Rome.
Cleopatra had a sister also known as Cleopatra and we don't know how she died. Her sister Berenice was executed by her father and Cleopatra had Marc Antony kill her youngest sister, Arsinoe.
30 BC