Mahandas Gandhi
His life was from October 2, 1869 to January 30, 1948.There are many, many volumes of books on what he achieved.Answers is not a repository for biographies. Go to any public library or search for Ghandi an the internet
Gandhi helped stop racism between whites, blacks, rich and poor.
Gandhi was a wonderful person, i appreciate all that he has done for this world. Gandhi is known for solvivg his peoples problems. He did this in a friendly matter, that his mother has taught him. (:
Answer: The Gandhian Era represented a special time in Indian history when Gandhi was preaching for freedom and all of India was behind him in support....
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi later called Mahatma Gandhi belonged to the State of Gujrat in India
mid 1900's
Mahandas Gandhi
Mahandas Gandhi had studied law and was taken advantage of by British control when he began his profession. As a result, he became outspoken for establishing equal rights through non violent methods.
* Martin Luther King Jr * Martin Luther King Sr * Mahandas Gandhi * Miles Davis * Mary the Mother of God * M.C. Escher
His life was from October 2, 1869 to January 30, 1948.There are many, many volumes of books on what he achieved.Answers is not a repository for biographies. Go to any public library or search for Ghandi an the internet
Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi was born there
help me lord
Mohandas Gandhi was directly significant in the history of India, South Africa, and the United Kingdom; and indirectly significant throughout the rest of the world.
Gianni Sofri has written: 'Gandhi in Italia' 'Voltare pagina' -- subject(s): History 'Gandhi e L'India' -- subject(s): History, Politics and government, Political and social views 'Gandhi et l'Inde'
Gandhi helped stop racism between whites, blacks, rich and poor.
Gandhi was a wonderful person, i appreciate all that he has done for this world. Gandhi is known for solvivg his peoples problems. He did this in a friendly matter, that his mother has taught him. (: