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For several decades after the Korean War, South Korea languished in economic squalor. However, in the 1980s, the new government began to spend large amounts of money on infrastructure which caused Korean companies to produce large quantities of salable items for the world to buy.

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Q: How did Korea develop its economy after the Korean War?
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Did the economy of Korea improve during the Korean War from 1950 to 1953?

it improved after, not during.

Why was the Korean War named the Korean War?

because it was in Korea

Why was the Korean War called the Korean War?

simply because it was north Korea vs. south Korea

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The Korean War was due to the Invasion of South Korea by North Korea. Later in this war, the Chinese came to the aid of North Korea.

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The Korean War, 1950-1953, was started by an invasion of South Korea by North Korea.

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the assassination of the Korean Queen by Japanese Assassins in the 19th century, occupation of the Japanese army from 22 August 1910 to 15 August 1945, The rise of the Government in south Korea known as the Republic of Korea, The Korean war fought by the communist north Korea and democratic South Korea, Rise of the Korean's Economy after they supported in the Vietnam war etc

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The Korean War began when North Korea invaded South Korea on June 25th, 1950.

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The Korean War (Korean Conflict)

What war was caused when north Korea invaded south Korea?

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Where did the Korean War occur?

In Korea.