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Very much the same methods that Hitler used- he would have suspected opponents of his regime continually watched and surveyed, then have the KGB spring upon them when they were not expecting it and have them arrested and subject to systematic interrogation, torture, and threats to their families and loved ones as a means of forcing false confessions out of them. With others he wouldn't bother even doing this, he would just have them executed or sent away to the gulag camps of Siberia for many years, where many hundreds of thousands of people died of starvation, cold, overwork or ill-treatment by the camp guards. Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao all used these methods to quell dissent- so did Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Stalin killed millions of people, and George Orwell's novel 'Nineteen Eighty Four' is meant to be a thinly-veiled condemnation of Stalin's Soviet Union. If you've ever read this, the way that Winston Smith is treated is typical of the methods Stalin used against dissidents.

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Farmers who resisted collective farming were sent to forced labor camps.

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Q: How did Joseph Stalin used to intimidate and punish his political opponents in the Soviet Union?
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What were Joseph Stalin's political goals?

Joseph Stalin's political goals were to consolidate the Red Army. He also wanted to rebuild the economy of the Soviet Union.

What was Joseph Stalin's political veiws?

Joseph Stalin was part of the communist soviet union. He was the 1st general secretary of the communist party of the soviet union

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Joseph Stalin .

Who was Joseph Stalin's primary opponent for control of the Soviet Union?

Joseph Stalin's rival for control of the Soviet Union was Leon Trotsky. Vladimir Lenin died in 1924 and over the next 5 years Stalin would kill or otherwise remove all of his political opponents and rivals and exile Trotsky. He eventually had Trotsky assassinated in Mexico City in 1940.

Describes a tactic Joseph Stalin used to intimidate and punish his political opponents in the soviet union?

Very simple he killed them. He would send his police squad to arrest someone in the middle of the night and they would never be seen again. People feared him so much that he had a stroke in his office and laid on the floor two or three days before it was discovered he was dead. His men were afraid to bother him and until a cleaning lady came they didn't open the door to his office.

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Joseph Stalin repressed opposing political parties during his reign in the Soviet Union by bringing false criminal charges against his political opponents and having them exterminated. Stalin is also responsible for violating Ethnic-Russian rights to own property and land by having them removed from their homes and sent to designated camps or prisons.

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The chief political and economic architect of the 1917 Russian Revolution that created the Soviet Union was Joseph Stalin

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* Gypsies (Roma/Sinti) * Soviet prisoners of war * Political opponents of the Nazis * Jehovah's Witnesses * Homosexuals

How many political parties were there in Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union only had one Political party, which was the Communist Party.

What Joseph stalins political party?

CPSU - The Communist Party of Soviet Union (Russian: КПСС - Коммунистическая Партия Советского Союза)

Leader of the soviet union during the war?

Joseph Stalin

A workers' council that has political powers and organizes political activities?

The answer is Soviet, as in the soviet union.