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Joan of Arc's contribution during the middle ages was the impressive battle she won at Orleans, which was under siege from the English. After winning that battle, she and her followers escorted Charles VII to Reims for so he could be crowned king. In this, she helped free much of France from English rule.

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9y ago
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14y ago

She showed that anyone can talk and believe in God, and women can do what they set their mind to. Not only did the pope speak to God, but she did because her belief and faith was so strong. Also, she dressed in men's clothes and cut her hair and ran her own army at the age of 17. She changed the history of Western Europe in just 15 months.

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12y ago

Joan of Arc commanded the French army, a job usually reserved for aristocratic

noblemen in the Middle Ages. The fact that she was a 17 year-old peasant girl

who, by her quick, sensible, and decisive tactical decisions led the French to

raising the famous Siege of Orleans by the English and to winning several other

battles with the English, most notably that of the Battle of Patay, where over

2000 English soldiers were killed trying to retreat from the Loire valley back to Paris (June, 1429). Joan rode a horse very well and inspired her men with her courage. For a peasant girl to accomplish this was unheard of at the time.

The fact that a peasant girl could accomplish this stunning feat, in an era where

only aristocratic men could do it, proved to the common people of France (and other places) that they were just as good as the aristocrats and that France was their country, too, not just belonging to the king and his great noblemen. Eventually, 4+ centuries later, the French Revolution changed all that.

Joan also proved that a woman could be just as capable as a man if she had

the natural ability to lead men in battle, which Joan did by her inspiration and

great courage. The English feared and hated Joan, which is why she was burnt.

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7y ago

Joan of Arc inspired Charles VII to recapture land lost during the Hundred Years' War. Joan of Arc gave hope and renewed the country's "fighting spirit". That area of Europe, historically had been / has been subjected to much upheaval and plenty of wars. A tiny young woman re-inspired grown men to ACT.

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12y ago

she changed the 100 yr war and led the french to victory!

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10y ago

Joan helped expand France.

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12y ago

because she ran battle against England

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