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adolf Hitler

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Q: How did Hitler get Germany to agree with his idea?
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Who idea was it for Germany to invade Russia?

adofe hitler

Why did Hitler kill the Europeans?

Hitler did not kill the Europeans he killed the Jew's. Thoguh Hitler would have killed any European in Germany that did not agree with him.

What did Hitler think about Germany being blamed for the war?

Hitler thought that Germany was their idea for killing the Jews but all along it was him who started.

Who Hitler wanted out of Germany?

Hitler wanted jews, gypsys, homosexual and the mental and physical deformed. Also any one that wanted those who did not agree with his views out of Germany.

Why did Britain and France agree to the Czech Sudetenland to Hitler?

The Munich Agreement was signed in Munich , Germany .

How did Hitler get disrespect and disregard for human rights?

Most historians agree that Hitler's extreme anti-Semitism emerged after Germany's defeat in World War I.

Was it a good idea for Germany to invade Poland?

Hitler thought so. The Poles didn't.

How was democracy this mentel under the rule of Hitler?

When Hitler was appointed in January 1933, Germany was a democracy. To pass a law, the Reichstag had to agree to it after a bill went through the normal.

Was Adolf Hitler an emperor?

A Monarch implies a Monarchy, and the Third Riech (Germany under Hitler) aka Nazi Germany was not a Monarchy. Therefore no. Germany at that time was a totalitarian state and most (but not all) political scientists would agree that it was a dictatorship. It is therefore generally acceptable to call hitler a dictator.

What was Hitler idea for making Germany strong?

Lebensraum was fundamental to his whole belief system-obtaining land for Germany's "master race"

Who controlled Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler?

Germany was controlled by the dictator Adolf Hitler in WWII.

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