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Q: How did Hitler become so popular among the young Germans?
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Was Adolph Hitler very hot?

Well, he was certainly quite hot-headed. Adolf Hitler was also very popular among the German people, but then again, many leaders were.

How the did Hitler to convince the German people to kill offf all the Jews?

There's misunderstanding here. The German people were not told about the killings and many Germans had only a vague inkling, if that, that the Jews were being exterminated. Moreover, the antisemitic policies of the Nazi regime were not even particularly popular among most Germans. This was one of the main reasons that the extermination of the Jews and others was carried out in secret.

How did Hitler manage to turn children against their own?

The Hitler Youth among other tactics.

Was life enjoyable under nazi rule?

Answer 1No it was not. Even though Hitler managed to improve the economy and bring order to Germany, many of innocent lives were taken and many peoples were being tortured. Hitler does not have the right to take away lives and cause pain towards the nation of Germany.Answer 2It depends.For people who were among those that Hitler persecuted and eventually murdered, certainly life was deplorable. For the general German citizen, life under Hitler was an improvement from the poverty and difficulties of the Weimar Era. Many Germans at the time also saw Hitler as a hero who was "saving" Germany and were pleased with the segregation. (Most Germans were unaware of the atrocities that were going on.)

Why didn't someone stand up to Hitler?

they were afraid of being alone. read "The Wave" by: Todd Strasser

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What did the Germans say when they saw Hitler?

Heil Hitler or Der Fuhrer among others

Did Hitler believe in being equal?

No, on the contrary, Hitler believed that human beings are unequal and should be treated very differently. Even among Germans the SS towered above the rest in his view.

Was Adolph Hitler very hot?

Well, he was certainly quite hot-headed. Adolf Hitler was also very popular among the German people, but then again, many leaders were.

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There are a great number of popular history channel dvds that can be purchased. Among the most popular are the stories of Hitler and the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

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Be confident ! If your friendly with everyone you'll become popular among them .You will still be popular even if your not the coolest kid at school.

What caused the Czechoslovakian crisis in 1938?

The Czechoslovakian Crisis of 1938 was caused by unrest among the Germans forced to live under rule of another country in the Sudetenland. These Germans were receiving support from Adolph Hitler while the Czech government was trying to quell their effort for independence.

What foreign language do German speak most?

The most commonly spoken foreign language among Germans is English. English is widely taught in schools and is widely used in business and tourism in Germany. Additionally, many Germans have a strong command of English as a second language.

Explain the significance and importance of how Hitler's book Mein Kampf convinced Germans that they were the chosen people?

Hitler's book Mein Kampf promoted a virulent form of nationalism and Aryan supremacy, convincing Germans that they were the chosen people destined for greatness. This idea helped foster a sense of unity and purpose among Germans, and justified their aggressive expansionist policies. It laid the ideological groundwork for Nazi beliefs and actions, ultimately leading to WWII and the Holocaust.

How the did Hitler to convince the German people to kill offf all the Jews?

There's misunderstanding here. The German people were not told about the killings and many Germans had only a vague inkling, if that, that the Jews were being exterminated. Moreover, the antisemitic policies of the Nazi regime were not even particularly popular among most Germans. This was one of the main reasons that the extermination of the Jews and others was carried out in secret.

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Why has kiteboarding become so popular?

Kiteboarding or Kitesurfing combines windsurfing, wakeboarding, paragliding, surfing and gymnastics all into one sport. It is an extreme sport and had become popular among adrenalin junkies.

Hitler was admired by all Germans?

Many Germans liked him a lot. He did have some opponents, such as the Catholic Church, Jews and minorities. But most people liked him. Many saw him as a ”man of the people”, and Nazi propaganda and rallies impressed many people with how organised and modern they were. Nazis decreased German unemployment, because building up the army created many more jobs, and people liked that a lot because everyone was scared of unemployment, following the 1929 depression. Many people hated Germany’s previous government, the Weimar republic, due to the fact that they had been pretty useless during the depression, so they were desperate for any change, and the Nazi party represented order and discipline for most Germans. Also, Hitler was ignoring the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which was very popular as the treaty was greatly hated throughout Germany. Finally, many Germans held anti-Semitic views during the 1930s, and blamed the Jews for the depression. This meant that Hitler’s anti-Semitic policies were unfortunately appreciated among certain groups in Germany.