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Oprah believes in nonviolence. So she asked Thoreau to teach MLKJ about it. Thus a revolution!

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Q: How did Henry David Thoreau influence Martin Luther King Jr philosophy of nonviolence?
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Whose teaching inspired king's philosophy of nonviolence?

Spiritual and political leader Mohandas Gandhi inspired Martin Luther King Jr's philosophy of nonviolence.

Whose teachings inspired Martin Luther King Jr's philosophy of nonviolence?

Spiritual and political leader Mohandas Gandhi inspired Martin Luther King Jr's philosophy of nonviolence.

How was martin Luther king Jr influenced by the ideas of Mohandas Gandhi and Henrey David Thoreau?

Both Thoreau and Gandhi espoused nonviolence. As with Gandhi, King put it into practice.

Who did Martin Luther King base his nonviolence teachings on?

Sitting in a white persons place. they had to have a license to walk around and protest.

Dr Martin Luther King Jr preached a philosophy of nonviolence and civil disobedience to support the civil rights movement?


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached a philosophy of nonviolence and civil disobedience to support the civil rights movement.?


What is the doctrine developed during the 19th century that later inspired later practitioners of nonviolence like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr?

Henry David Thoreau's theory of "civil disobedience"

What has the author John J Ansbro written?

John J. Ansbro has written: 'Martin Luther King, Jr' -- subject(s): Civil disobedience, Nonviolence, Philosophy

What is the similarities and difference in the philosophy of Henry Thoreau and Martin Luther King Jr especially in the context of Walden and Letter from Birmingham Jail?

that is a big question

What philosophy did Dr Martin Luther King Jr follow in his movement?

He prefered Mohandas K. Ghandi's non-violent approch

What two famous twentieth-century civil rights leaders did Henry David Thoreau influence?

Martin luther king jr and Harrison Pham

Why did Martin Luther King Jr. decide to use nonviolent methods to influence people?

He had studied Gandhi and realized that more can get done through nonviolence rather than violence.