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Q: How did Greeks try to please ther gods by making offerings of ...and..?
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How do Greeks show that there gods weir important?

By erecting temples and statues, making offerings and conducting religious festivals including plays.

How did the Greeks serve their gods?

burnt offerings and temples of worship

The Greeks hoped to earn the favor of their gods and goddesses by performing what?

The Greeks hoped to earn the favor of their gods and goddesses by performing rituals, sacrifices, and offerings. These acts were believed to please the deities and ensure their protection and blessings.

How did the Greeks worksheep their gods?

they built them temples, left them offerings, and prayed to them.

What did Greeks do to worship the gods?

They burnt offerings and prayed and sacrificed animals.

What did the Greeks sacrifice to Apollo?

They sacrificed music and food offerings to him through the fire like they did with all other gods.

What did the Roman gods do to the Romans?

the gods balanced out life and death for the Romans

How did the Greeks please the gods?

Greeks offered sacrifices (didn't like human sacrifices, and if they forgot a god the god they forgot would avenge it) to the gods

Why did the Mesopotamian's make daily offerings to the gods?

The Mesopotamians made daily offerings to the gods to benefit their civilizations. They did it to boost their happiness, to bring about better harvests, and for continued protection and preservation of their civilization.

Did the Greeks and Romans influence religion during the renaissance?

i believe the greeks believed the gods were punishing them so i believe they influenced there religion by praying to the gods to forgive them and trying to please the gods

How did ancient Greeks please the gods?

There were ceremonies where they sacrificed bulls, cows, etc.

Did the greeks want to make the gods mad?

Actually, the Greeks were always trying to please the gods. They built special temples for them and offered sacrifices to them. If the gods were not happy with them, bad things could come their way.