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Q: How did Giotto break medieval traditions?
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How did Giotto break with medieval artistic traditions?

painting realistic scenes on a two-dimensional surface

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Cimabue influenced the development of the Renaissance because he educated?

The artist Cimabue taught Giotto, who is widely considered the Renaissance's first great master. Cimabue studied and worked in Florence, and painted in the Byzantine style of medieval art. Many of his works are still on display in Italian churches today.

How did the painting of Giotto differ from most other medieval art?

His paintings showed emotional intensity and his figures seemed to have volume.

How did giotto's painting differ from those of previous medieval European artists?

His paintings showed emotional intensity and his figures seemed to have volume.

Did Giotto's paintings differ from those of previous medieval European artists?

His paintings showed emotional intensity and his figures seemed to have volume.

Who was known for continued late medieval artistic traditions?

Matthias Grünewald

How were renaissance artists like masaccio different in personal style from their medieval predecessors such as giotto?

They used more light colors. They also liked to show more of nature and the actual personal experience compared to the medieval artists.

What has the author Giotto di Bondone written?

Giotto di Bondone has written: 'Giotto'

What has the author Robert E Stillman written?

Robert E. Stillman has written: 'Spectacle and Public Performance in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions) (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions)'

What did Giotto broke with medieval artistic traditions?

painting realistic scenes on a two-dimensional surface