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Q: How did Germany react to Britain's concerns?
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How did the people react to the treaties?

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How did Germany react to Treaty of Versailles?

Germany accepted the terms as war aggressor.

What were some of the strengths of Germany in war world 1?

They had a very strong econemy and a large army. Also there navy was almost as big as britains!

Who were Germany's enemies during World War 1?

The enemies of Germany in World War I were Britain, France, Russia (left in 1916), America (joined when Russia left) and Italy (joined in 1914). Also Serbia & Romania were enemies of Germany.

How did Germany react when Hungary sent tourists to West Germany?

They were happy about it. More tourists - more income.

What was Anzac reason for joining the war?

In both WW1 and WW2, Australia and New Zealand supported Britains war with Germany and sent Anzac forces as part of their support.

How did Adolph Hitler react to Germany losing the war?

He commited Suicide

How did the people of Germany react to the rise of the Third Reich?

They greeted it with glee.

How did Germany react to the end of World War 2?

annoyed and embarrassed

What did Britain declare war on Germany?

because germany stole britains weed and the british want it back so they can get high again Lol^ Realy because Hitler went against a treaty by invading Poland which threatened British safety

Why did the countries not react when Germany attacked in World War 2?

They did! When diplomatic ways didn't help, they declared war on Germany!