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Q: How did Germany's use of unrestricted submarine warfare lead to American entry into world war 1?
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What was the effect when Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare?

American enterance into WWI.

How did Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare lead to american entry into ww1?

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The united States entered World War 1 largely over the issue of?

unrestricted submarine warfare

What was major factor in the decision US to enter world war 1?

Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare

Who used unrestricted submarine warfare?

it was Germany.

What was one unrestricted warfare development that led to US involvement in World War 1?

unrestricted submarine warfare

Germanyhope that there submarine warfare and Attacks would lead to?

Germany's submarine warfare was unrestricted. These attacks led to World War I.

What Site of unrestricted submarine warfare? blocks the use of url's in answers given, so we can't help you. But google 'unrestricted submarine warfare WW 1" and those sites will appear.

In return for ending unrestricted submarine warfare Germany wanted the United states to?

Help end the British blockade

What statement explains why a German submarine sunk the Lusitania?

Germany practiced unrestricted submarine warfare.

What did policy of unrestricted submarine warfare refer to?

it referred to sinking ships

What was the goal of Germany's unrestricted submarine warfare plan?

To get the blockade lifted.