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Q: How did Europeans to react to the Vikings raids?
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Where in Britain did the vikings attack?

Viking raids

What happened in 793 to the Vikings?

They began their raids in England.

Did the Vikings have sixteen year olds fighting in there raids?


Were the Vikings the first Europeans to build a settlement in Canada?

Yes, the Vikings were the first Europeans to settle in Canada.

Did the vikings or the europeans discover Canada first?

The Vikings are Europeans and it was people of Asian descent that discovered Canada first.

What group of Europeans explored North America about A.D.1000?

The Vikings

What do vikings do with their money they get after raids?

Invest them towards improving weapons and raiding efficiency.

Where was the vikings raids taking place?

Well I'm not sure but I heard that they were from Scandinavia.

How far did the vikings travel for raids?

all the european coasts, and the black sea

What group of people was known for their raids and quick attacks especially in England?


Where did most vikings raids happen?

Britain Spain Ireland Scotland whales

Who were the first Europeans to live in Canada?

The first Europeans to reach Canada were the Vikings.