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Europeans traveled to the Middle East to conquer the lands under Muslim control because of that was the supposed Holy Land, were Jesus was born, they were armies of religious fanatics who dropped everything to go fight for God. This caused amazing amounts of destruction and I would not be surprised if all the troubles in the Middle East today stem form this initial string of conflict and Holy Wars, as for the question it is one that needs to be answered in a library with lots of hours of research on the subject, including studying all the various battles that allowed for the Crusaders to enter so far into the Holy Land. I recommend you search Crusades or Holy Wars in wiki to get you started.


Comments on answer above
  • The so called holy lands are holy to the three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam and not only holy to Christians to justify their Crusades wars
  • The Crusades wars were only to gain more political supports for the leaders of these wars in their countries and get more power by controlling other countries.
  • The Europeans conquered also Muslim lands in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, ... Are all these lands are holy lands?
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Q: How did Europeans conquer Muslim lands?
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