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Do you mean Elie Wiesel? He did not escape, he was liberated. He managed to survive until he was freed from the camp.

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Q: How did Ellie escape from concentration camps?
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Did jews have time to escape before they were taken to concentration camps?

It was not a question of time, most had to report to a collection point to be sent to the camps, there was no lack of opportunity to escape. The problem was that there was no where to escape to.

How did prisoners escape from concentration camps?

they really just dont or they may get killed

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What were Holocaust concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

Were there any runaways from concentration camps?

There were runaways from concentration camps. They were horrible, and people kept in them were treated horrendously. However, people who attempted to escape rarely succeeded. Some of them didn't even survive.

What were concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

Was it easy for people to from escape concentration camps?

No, the camps were well guarded and the outer perimeter fences - there were usually two and sometimes three of them - had high voltage currents. Escape was very difficult and very rare.

When did Jews manage to escape Concentration camps and ghettos?

when groups of them left at the same time in different spots

Would the Jews get killed if they escape the Concentration camps?

If they were found by the Nazis then yes, but if they were not, then they would just get free.

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jesus christ is the way the truth and the life, no goes to the father but by him

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There were no saunas in concentration camps.

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